So I still don't feel that great. I have lost 25lbs and I haven't left my house in weeks...but I still have a lot to be grateful for and I thought it would be good for me to write down a few of them.
Number One: Joe
I am really grateful for Joe. Life has not been easy at our house and he has been nothing but great. I can't even go into our kitchen so Joe literally gets my food for me all day everyday. This experience has shown me how wonderful he really is.
Number Three: Friends
I know it is silly but it has been nice to stay slightly connected with the outside world. Not much to say about it... I am just grateful.
Number Five: Baby
Even though I feel awful all the time... and sometimes I am not really sure how I can even move. I am really grateful that we are going to have a little person. This isn't easy but I am really happy that a I am not dying I am just pregnant!