Monday, August 23, 2010
Nathan Ty and Adam's 7th Birthday
The Boys had a Toy Story 3 Birthday Party!
I can't believe these little men are 7... time goes so fast!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Going home... well to Nana's
Because we are in the middle of a move we had Grant in Burley. So when we left the hospital we went home to Nana and Grandpa Fillmore's. When we got there we had *Nana*Grandpa* *Aunt Jana* David* Adam* Tyler* Nathan* and *Abigale* waiting for us!! Because Grant came early I also missed my baby shower so Joe and I had lots of fun opening gifts.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hospital Time
They call it labor for a reason!
Baby Grant was two weeks early... here is the story
The night of Tuesday the 13 at around 8:30pm I started to feel a little uncomfortable. About an hour later I knew I was having real contractions! They didn't feel good but I could handle them. By about 10:30 they were about 5-6 minutes apart. We decided to call the hospital and tell them that I would be coming in soon. We went in a met the Doctor. He said that he was pretty sure I would deliver around 6 am so I should try to get some sleep. I was given an epidural and felt sick soon after but the nauseous feeling passed shortly. Joe my mom and I tried to rest... but not a lot of sleep happened. Around 4:00 am I asked the nurse for more medication in my epidural. After it was given to me half of my face dropped and half turned red and the other half white white. My eyes dilated differently and I could not feel one of my hands. The doctor came in and told me that he thought I might be about to have a brain aneurysm. So we needed to get the baby out. I was told to push but not with my head. If you have ever had a baby you know that not to push with your head is difficult. I stayed strong didn't cry and focused on getting Grant out. They used the Vacuum! How fun! Grant was born at 5:24 on July 14th 2010. He weighted 6lb 10 oz and was 19 inches long. As soon as he was born I was rushed off to get a CT scan and the rest of the day I had heart tests and blood tests. I didn't get a chance to sleep at all. I am ok and we don't really know what caused the problem... maybe the epidural. I was also given too much pain medicine and had some reactions to that. Our time in the hospital was long and hard. But we sure are glad to have our little man! When we got home we were so glad that we were at my parents house. We had Aunt Jana helping thank goodness! A week after Grant was born I broke out into hives... not just little ones big welt like hives. apparently I am allergic to some pain meds. We were all so glad that we were able to be in Burley for all of this so we had lots of family support. We love our sweet sweet boy!
The first time I got sick... little did I know it would get worse.
My favorite Nurse Bonnie. She was amazing!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Before the Baby
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