I put a baby in shirt and thought it was really funny
Chocolate World
I love this big smile.
He loves his backpack... yea that is what we call it. Hehe
Grant's First movie
He loved all the treats a lot. actually he didn't even want to share.
Grant had a light saber and was playing with his cousins who didn't appriciate it.

Grandma and Grant at the first Basketball game.
Dad Coaching!
Grant in his cute hat.
I love this man
Cousins: Preslie Baylee and Grant on Thanksgiving
Jack and Landon... Grants cousins
Preslie fed Grant pumpkin pie for over 10 minutes on Thanksgiving
Grant always loves his food.
Sleepy boy. I had to wiggle him to wake him up.
Grant loves to watch Grandpa plays games on his phone.
Grant made a cow hat at story time!
We went to a fun birthday party for Roxie Ramsey's 1st Birthday and Grant loved the fun car.
Balloons from Roxies party
Grant helped paint some ornaments for Daddy's Christmas Package!
This happened in about 10 min. I think it is amazing how fast things get messy!
Grant found some potato pearls and spilled them everywhere. 

Grant Got this sweet bear from a friend we have in Japan... he already had the hat. They go great together.